Numerous situations cause hair loss such as nutritional deficiencies, medications, a change in hormones, surgery and various diseases, particularly thyroid, anemia and diabetes. Dermatologists say that we lose approximately 50 to 100 hairs daily on average. When hair loss is great enough to leave noticeably thinner hair or bald patches on the scalp-- ‘baldness’--we call the condition alopecia. People often begin having hair loss sometime during their 30’s due to hormonal change or stress, and particularly so if on an unhealthy diet.
Alopecia Areata
Caused by an autoimmune disorder, Alopecia Areata can affect both male and female gender but rarely before the age of 3 years old. The condition involves scalp hair loss--normally at least one patch; it may resolve itself within a few months but the loss of hair is sometimes a permanent thing.
Hair Loss in Women
Women are as likely to lose or have thinning hair as men, although often caused by different reasons such as medication, illness, infection or hair chemicals. Men’s hair loss often begins by receding from the hairline or the crown; hair loss in women usually begins on the top of the scalp. If you are concerned about hair loss for you or a loved one, there are various ways to make a medical diagnosis, and blood work is usually done to make sure that there isn’t an autoimmune disease or the thyroid gland at fault.
Vitamins for Hair Growth
Healthy hair requires a balanced amount of protein: lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans and soy are good sources; also eat complex carbs and foods that provide vitamins and minerals for hair growth, including iron, zinc, Vitamin C, B vitamins, also Vitamins A, D, E and K. Healthy fats are imperative for hair growth; be sure to consume unsaturated fats, also fatty acids like Omega 3.
Hair Growth Tips
Do not wash your hair too often; daily washing strips the necessary oils. Use a clarifying shampoo only once a month; too often only creates more problems causing your hair to produce more oil. Vinegar is a good final rinse as it clears the pores, encouraging new growth, and the smell does not linger after your hair has dried. Minimize stress in your life and learn how to deal with emotional stress; your body can be stressed to the point where it will shut down hair production and growth. It usually takes several months to rectify hair thinning or hair loss created by stress; learn how to relax and you will be more apt to promote quicker hair growth. If you have a hair growth problem, possibly caused by a medical condition, consult a physician before starting a hair growth process; at times medications are the culprit. Have your scalp checked for an infection. Steer clear of highly restrictive diets, which can often cause slow growth or hair loss. Hormonal fluctuations or imbalances can create hair problems, but remember that natural hormonal changes related to your age causes slower growth; a nutritious diet is the safest treatment. Other simple hair growth tips--certain styling techniques may cause damage to your tresses – avoid chemical treatments or mechanical stresses that cause increased hair breakage or loss; dry your hair naturally--brush or comb infrequently. Rubber bands or tight hair styles can cause breakage, possibly damaging the hair at the root. Choose products for your hair cautiously; follow proper hair hygiene, reducing breakage and loss. Keep split ends at a minimum by having them trimmed every 10-12 weeks.
Herbal Hair Loss Remedies
There are herbal remedies that seem to help with hair loss treatment:
- Onion and garlic are rich sources of sulfur which have been used for years in medications for regrowing hair. Run the onion through a juicer and apply to the scalp for 15 minutes, then rinse with a mild shampoo. Next, crush a few garlic cloves, add about a tablespoon of coconut oil and boil gently for a few minutes; when it is cool enough to touch, massage it into the scalp. Repeat this treatment 2-3 times per week.
- Coconut milk has proteins, potassium and iron; drinking it daily will help to minimize hair breakage. Coconut oil has the same rich ingredients as the milk; massaging the scalp with it helps to protect against hair loss.
- Henna combined with mustard oil helps to strengthen hair.
- Rosemary, when combined with thyme, lavendar and cedarwood and applied to the scalp, has been shown to improve hair growth after 7 months of use by 44% of people who try it.
- Castor Oil from the castor bean acts as a natural antifungal and antibacterial, which may prevent and also treat infections that cause you to lose your hair. Castor oil draws moisture into the hair strengthening it; the omega-9 fatty acids in it nourish the hair and scalp. If castor oil is applied to the ends of the hair it helps to avoid split ends and repair the current damage.
Bragg's ACV |
Acids and enzymes in raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) kill the bacteria that are one of the causes for many scalp and hair conditions like dandruff, itchy scalp, hair loss and very often baldness. The bacteria, known as bottle bacillus, clogs the hair follicles; this allows dry crusts to form, which can both itch and flake off onto your clothing. The ACV unclogs the hair follicles, thus allowing new hair to grow.
Hair Transplant
Hair transplants have been used in the USA since the 1950’s. It is surgery where a strip of hair-bearing scalp is taken from the back of the head and placed where there is little or no hair growth on the scalp; a local anesthesia is used. The procedure takes about 4-8 hours. Pain medications may be needed for a few days; people generally can return to work in 2-5 days. Shortly after surgery the transplanted hair falls out but new growth should begin within a few months, with the highest percentage of people having 60% of new hair growth within 6-9 months.

Biotin Hair Growth
Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids and the metabolism of fats and amino acids; it also assists in metabolic reactions involving the transfer of carbon dioxide, according to Wikipedia. It may help to maintain a steady blood sugar level and is often recommended for strengthening nails and hair. Numerous doctors agree that they do not know what role biotin plays for sure; it does seem to improve the basic protein that makes up our hair, skin and nails. A biotin deficiency is not common on this continent.
Hair Loss Cure
While many doctors agree that there is no hair loss cure as of yet, a team of scientists report that they have successfully grown human hairs from dermal papilla (structure at the base of the hair follicle) cells removed from the inside of donor hair follicles.
Baldness Cure
Scientists in the US and Britain have been able to generate new hair follicles that grow human hair—a mega leap in finding a baldness cure.
In 2007 the US Food and Drug Administration approved a laser comb to combat baldness. The testing was done by 123 men who used the light-emitting comb three times weekly. Ninety percent of the men reported fewer hairs lost, others saw new hair growth.
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