Back pain can be caused by numerous physical problems. Some of the most common causes of back pain can be attributed to a herniated or slipped disc, strain, spinal stenosis, sciatica and arthritis. Sciatica is a symptom, not a condition; possibly the result of a pinched nerve affecting one or more of the lower spinal nerves and causing lower back pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in our bodies and the pain is often noticed from the lower back to behind the thigh and travelling on down below the knee. Sciatica can be caused by a herniated disc—the most common cause; piriformis syndrome--when a muscle deep inside the buttocks spasms or tightens; spinal stenosis—a narrowing of the spinal canal putting pressure on the nerves; spondylolisthesis—slippage of a vertebrae making it out of line with the next one above making the opening smaller where the nerve exits. Sciatica is usually diagnosed by a physician taking your complete medical history and a physical examination to determine the cause. Further testing could include:
- X-rays
- MRI/CT scan
- Nerve conduction velocity studies/evoked potential testing, electromyography
- Myelogram—dye injected between the vertebrae to see if a disc or vertebra is causing the discomfort
Back Exercises
Although there are pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs to give relief, physical exercise is probably one of the most effective home remedies for back pain (often sciatic pain); finding back stretches that improve flexibility of the tense muscles in your back, legs and abdomen--aerobic exercise such as walking is often recommended. Here are some good exercises for relief of lower back pain:
- stand with one leg crossed in front of the other and bend forward from the waist slowly, stretching gently toward the floor as far as you can go. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable; switch legs and repeat as needed.
- lie flat on your back on a floor or other firm surface with your legs together and knees pointed toward the ceiling. Slowly push your spine flat into the floor while exhaling. Inhale slowly and arch your back. Repeat 5 - 10 times.
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic nerve pain usually occurs in the lower back, and normally responds to self-care steps, such as:- Avoid what triggered the initial pain
- Rest to provide relief but do not go into prolonged inactivity; it could get worse
- Try a cold pack on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day
- After 2-3 days use heat on the painful areas; if the pain continues alternate hot/cold packs
- Stretching the lower back may relieve nerve root compression; hold the stretch for 30 seconds if possible and avoid unusual movements during the stretch
- OTC medications sometimes bring a measure of relief
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain is often due to an injury or a disease in the area of the three bones that comprise the shoulder:- the upper arm bone (humerus)
- shoulder blade (scapula)
- collarbone (clavicle)
- tendon inflammation
- instability
- arthritis
- fracture
Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain
Inflamed tendons, often from overuse; sometimes called pitcher’s or swimmer’s shoulder, can normally be treated with physical therapy, OTC medications, hot and cold packs and resting the arm involved. If you have a problem with shoulder instability there are various methods of relocating the joint by stretching, rotating, raising the arm above your head, relocating the shoulder with gravity, your knee, or the help of a friend. Eighty percent of shoulder fractures are non-displaced, needing only a sling to keep the arm immobile while the bone heals. Home remedies for arthritis in a shoulder include trying to avoid being outside when it is cold or wet; if you must go out dress warmly.
- Use warm olive oil to massage the shoulder; lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is mildly analgesic—add a few drops to the olive oil; also, the scent helps to relax your body.
- A warm bath with a cup of sea salt may also relieve the shoulder pain.
Neck Pain
Neck pain can be the result of injury or a disease but the highest percentage of neck pain is due to muscle tension–jobs that require long hours of leaning over a work surface; poor posture and often a non-supportive mattress for hours of sleep, as well as poor sleeping positions. When our muscles tense, the blood supply to the muscles decreases; this causes more pain and the muscles to tense further. The best home remedy for pain management is to get rid of the stressor as well as treating the muscles.
Upper Back Pain
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