Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

Sinus Infections, or sinusitis, happen when mucus builds up in the air cavities of the skull and becomes infected with fungus, bacteria, or viruses. Sinus infection symptoms include facial pain, sinus pressure, headache, dizziness, jaw pain, neck pain, pain when inhaling through the nose, eye pressure, cough, and post nasal drip. Left untreated, a sinus infection can cause worsening headaches, ear infection, and even move down into the lungs and cause bronchitis or pneumonia.

From personal experience I have found that allergies, congestive foods such as dairy, excessive crying, and irritants like perfume, smoke, and pollution can all cause sinus infections.

Herbs to Treat Sinus Infections

  • See the Chicken Soup listing in Home Remedies For Flu 
  • Astragalus root can boost the immune system. I take liquid capsules as directed.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - combine 2 tablespoons of ACV  with 8 oz of water and honey or Xylitol to sweeten and drink 3 times a day before meals. This will also lower your blood pressure and help ease arthritis pain.
  • Thyme Tea -- see the listing for Thyme in Home Remedies for a Cough

Neti Pots

Usually if you go to a medical doctor they will prescribe antibiotics for sinus infections; however, I have found that they are not the most effective method of treatment for my infections. My favorite treatment for sinus infections is a neti pot because a neti pot actually washes the infected mucus out of your sinuses rather than just killing all of the bacteria in your body and leaving the mucus there to start the cycle all over again. If it's a very serious sinus infection, I use antibiotics in conjunction with the neti pot, but the neti pot is my first line of defense. The video below: NeilMed NasaFlo Neti Pot, shows the correct way to use a neti pot. Please watch it if you have never used one before. You should be able to breathe easily and even talk while you are using one; if you can't then you aren't using it correctly.

Neti Pot Safety

Over the past few years there have been growing fears over brain infections caused by neti pot use. The key is to make sure that you only use distilled water or water that has been boiled for at least 3 minutes (I boil mine 10 minutes for overkill).

Neti Pot Solution Recipe:

You can buy neti pot solution or you can make your own. Most people just use salt and water, or add baking soda to the salt water solution. I get a little more creative with infection-fighting ingredients.

My Favorite Neti Pot Solution Recipe

1 cup of distilled or previously boiled luke-warm water
1/2 tsp fine ground sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
3 droppers full of colloidal silver
10 drops liquid chlorophyll

Dissolve the salt and baking soda in the water, add the colloidal silver and chlorophyll, then follow the instructions for neti pot use. I have used this recipe many times over the years and found it to be very effective at fighting infections. If you have an active sinus infection, use it twice daily for 10 days. Also, if you'd rather just use the pre-mixed salt/baking soda packets, you can use this remedy along with it by just adding the colloidal silver and chlorophyll to the water.

Other ingredients that you can add to a neti pot are:
  • A few drops of baby shampoo
  • Xylitol (dissolved)

Acupressure for Sinus Infections

If you are uncomfortable with the thought of using a neti pot, this video demonstrates pressure points that can help relieve sinus pressure and pain. It is a simple and completely free method of treating your symptoms. 


Sources and Citations: